Advantages :

Fully water soluble balanced fertilizer enriched with micronutrients.
micronutrients fulfils hidden huger of plants.
Low volatility--form of nitrogen and phosphorus that resists volatility.
Provides better cell division, cell enlargement, and strengthens cell walls.
Enhances seed germination, durability, and protein content.
Contributes to improved flowering, fruit set and fruiting.
Helps improve the quality of crops and increases yields.
Improves the taste, color and shape of fruit.
Maintains nutrient balance.
Increases ability to tolerate cold, diseases, insects and pests.

Technical specification :

Content w/w %
Total nitrogen as N 8
Total phosphorous as P2O5 8
Total potassium as K2O 8
Zn as chelates of EDTA 0.012
Fe as chelates of EDTA 0.072
Cu as chelates of EDTA 0.032
Mn as chelates of EDTA 0.036
Boron as B 0.022
Molybdenum as Mo 0.009
PH 7.0-7.5
Density 1.28-1.29

Dosage :

Foliar Application :
Crop Type Dilution rate per litre
Sugarcane 7-8 ml
Vegetables 3-5 ml
All other crops 3-5 ml
Drip Application : 1 litre per acre
Recommended crops : All crops

Product Characteristics

Made with Bio Polymer Technology(BPT).
Free from sodium, chloride & heavy metals.
Very low crystallization temprature.
Production process certified accroding to ISO 9001:2015.
Eazy to handle and apply.