Advantages :

100% water soluble Phosphate--the form most efficiently utilized by plants
Long lasting non-leachable Nitrogen--the Nitrogen is in the Ammonium form, which resists leaching and provides Nitrogen to the plant over a longer period of time
Low volatility--form of nitrogen and phosphorus that resists volatility.
Nitrogen and Phosphorus combination improves nutrient intake--ammoniacal form of Nitrogen combined with Phosphorus helps the plants to utilize the Phosphorus more efficiently
Helps uptake of micronutrients--it contains Polyphosphates which sequester micronutrients in solution, making them more available for plant uptake.
Easy to handle--no bags to lift, break or dispose of. Pumps or gravity do the work

Technical specification :

Content w/v % w/w %
Total nitrogen % 13.6 10.0
Total phosphorous (as P2O5) 46.24 34
Polyphosphate (as P205) 30.00 22.1
Specific Gravity (27° C) 1.36
PH 5.8-6.0

Dosage :

Foliar Application : 3 - 5 ml per litre water
Drip Application : 1 litre per acre
Recommended crops :
1) For Fertigation : Grapes, Pomegranate, Banana, Cotton, Tomato, Onion, Sugarcane, Ginger, Turmeric, Watermelon, Floriculure and Protected Cultivation.
2) For Foliar application: All Crops

Product Characteristics

Made with Bio Polymer Technology(BPT).
Free from sodium, chloride & heavy metals.
Very low crystallization temprature.
Production process certified accroding to ISO 9001:2015.
Eazy to handle and apply.